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Gouvernment of Canada

Welcome to youth2youth.ca
This site has been developed by young people just like you with learning disabilities. This is our site - a place for us and our friends.
High school to post-secondary and beyond is complicated. This website will provide you with information and answers on how to get there and what supports you'll need during your journey, so you can be successful. The results can be extraordinary.
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Looking for a job? Visit our Job Centre for those all important job postings or the Employer and Workplace Section to learn more about best practices on hiring and keeping LD employees.
It's time for you to get browsing. I'll see you around.
Registrations for its online program
Cambrian College of Sudbury, Ontario is pleased to announce that it is now accepting registrations for its online program
Learning Disability Specialist – Learning Strategies and Assistive Technologies Certificate programs!
A new program intake is scheduled to begin this September.
This is an online post-graduate certificate program that you can take from the comfort of your own home or office, although course participants will be required to work with a student with learning disabilities in many of the courses.
Please visit our website for more information or call Allan Hood at 705-566-8101 extension 7214.
Did you know...?
- The Glenn Crombie Centre’s staff at Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario has created post-diploma programs to provide training to educators who work with students with learning disabilities. For more information click here.